After a Pregnant Pause - A Ryde Update

It's been 4 months since I first announced that I was bringing back Ryde. Since then I've been workin' on my tan and smokin' dope at the beach all day.

Nah, I'm just kidding. It's rarely sunny at the beach.

4 months is too long to be in radio silence, so I'm sorry about that. A lot has happened with Ryde, the Bike Strap, and my personal life.

Right around the time I announced that Ryde was coming back my wife and I found out that we are pregnant. So that's been taking up a lot of time...but is very exciting! I don't know anything about babies, but I've heard the potential upside for this venture is a lifetime of joy and a new understanding of what love means. That sounds pretty neat.

Ryde has gone viral! Well...sort of. I've expanded the beta to about 20 people due to some excellent word of mouth. The community that has sprung up around the app is truly awesome! I can't wait to open it up to more users.

There are a few key blockers to doing a wider release. I need to redo the profile view, add the ability to follow, and improve the UI for rides. These features are all direct feedback from alpha users. I try to put a little work into Ryde every week. It's moving forward, but it's slow. (please let me know if anybody you know has phat ca$h to accelerate this bad boy)

I've also made major progress on the Bike Strap! Last month I solved several problems related to strength, durability and manufacturability. The result is a product that is very near receiving the Modeo seal of approval. I will probably do a Bike Strap giveaway soon. Follow me on Twitter or Instagram to find out when!

Thanks so much for being a part of this crazy ride! (haha, get it?)

And now, a cool bike...

- Jon